
If you were busy being kind,
Before you knew it you would find
You'd soon forget to think 'twas true
That someone was unkind to you.

If you were busy being glad
And cheering people who seem sad,
Although your heart might ache a bit,
You'd soon forget to notice it.

If you were busy being good,
And doing just the best you could,
You'd not have time to blame some man
Who's doing just the best he can.

If you were busy being true
To what you know you ought to do,
You'd be so busy you'd forget
The blunders of the folks you've met.

If you were busy being right,
You'd find yourself too busy quite
To criticize your brother long,
Because he's busy being wrong.
~Author Unknown~

Although outward beauty may be seen
all painted on with a brush so fair
its shallowness can be revealed
in our actions unaware,

But inner beauty is much more rare
and it comes from God above
It is shown in how we act
and how we show His love.

Like an oyster in the ocean
its outer shell so plain and dull
but when you look inside of it
theres a pearl so beautiful.

I hope to be like the oyster
when you look inside you'll see
a heart so warm and beautiful
and see God's love inside of me
~Author Unknown~



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© Tina's Prayer Gate
March 3, 2013