
The Way I See It: from a Starbuck cup
Two of my favorites

"You are not an accident.
Your parents may not have planned you,
but God did.
He wanted you alive and created you for a purpose.
Focusing on yourself will never reveal your real purpose.
You were made by God and for God,
and until you understand that,
life will never make sense.
Only in God do we discover our origin,
our identity,
our meaning,
our purpose,
our significance and our destiny."
~The Rev. Rick Warren~

A child’s mind isn’t a blank slate;
it’s more of a jungle.
Each time a parent helps a toddler read,
the child is walked through this jungle
from one side to the other.

Trip after trip, a seemly impossible passage
becomes a well-worn path.
Children sent to kindergarten skipping merrily
along this path to literacy fare far better then
those sent to school with machetes.

~Keith Mastrion~
“Reading Man” and 1998 National Teacher of the Year.

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© Tina's Prayer Gate
August 5, 2012